Cursed woman

The following is a guest post by someone who shall remain nameless and has been translated into English from its original Spanish version.

Cursed woman, you are a son of a *****, ******* *******, you are a ******* ******, a **** ****.

You are not going to have a future, you poor unclean woman.

Is it that your head is empty with no brain inside?

Is it that your heart is the size of a germ?

You don’t have a mom or a dad and your life is a lie.

You don’t have a house. You live on the street.

You cry like a baby and you go to your mom.

Wait, you don’t have a mom, so you go to your dad. But you don’t have a dad either.

Your car is a….wait…you don’t have a car.

Your life is….wait…you don’t have a life.

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