Joanna, Morrie, and Henry

I’m equal parts in shock and proud of myself. My first essay has been published in the Boston Globe. It is a highly personal piece describing in detail just how mean I’ve been to myself over the years and my plan for slowly changing my inner dialogue. 

My essay is included in a weekly column following a beautiful piece by the son of Morrie, who inspired the book Tuesdays with Morrie. Thinking about how my essay rises to the level of this article and all others before it, gives me the inspiration to keep going. 

My goal has always been to write a book about my sister, but until I’m able to dedicate myself fully to the writing process, I continue to write, even if, on the surface, the topic is completely unrelated, because underneath lies the purpose: to stay active and inspired for when the time is right to write about her. 

With the payment I’ll receive from this essay, I will carry my dream forward. My plan is to use the money to pay for renting the room in Concord where Henry David Thoreau was born. I’ll spend a day there to give myself space and time to think about my book, or whatever else comes to mind. The room holds a replica of the desk Thoreau wrote on during his time at Walden Pond. What could be more inspiring? 

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